Short but Sweet Video Previews of FOWR’s film about the Wekiva


FOWR is making a film!

As we mentioned in our March newsletter, we’re making a film! Friends of the Wekiva River has been working closely with film maker Jordan Kahn, Director of Photography, Editor and Producer of Lightwave Filmworks, on a video about the Wekiva basin. Grey Wilson, board member of FOWR, is the visionary and leader of this exciting project and is thrilled to share a few shorts from the larger project.

The videos below are indeed short but sweet and beautiful and perfect for sharing our message across media landscapes. Thanks Grey, Jordan and everyone else involved in making these important pieces of art. Which are all part of the larger film project and part of the even larger vision that represents so much of what is important to us, working together to help protect, preserve, and restore our beloved Wekiva.

Enjoy the clips below and stay tuned for new updates about the film!


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