Seminole Forever Update
The ordinance for Seminole Forever was approved by County Commissioners in August. Without requiring any new taxes or fees, this program aims to identify, acquire, and preserve environmentally sensitive lands, water resources, forests, and farmlands. Priority areas will be on lands connecting the wildlife corridor and the Wekiva River Basin.
The ordinance includes an Acquisition and Restoration Committee (ARC) consisting of seven voting members selected by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), one by each Commissioner and the other two members nominated and selected by the BCC.
At their meeting on November 14, the BCC unanimously approved the members of the ARC:
Jay Exum, environmental consultant, appointed by Commissioner Lockhart.
Tim Jackson, environmental consultant, appointed by Commissioner Constantine.
Gabbie Milch, Soil & Water District 4 plus St. Johns River Water Management District middle basin coordinator, appointed by Commissioner Herr.
David Bear, attorney and president of Save Rural Seminole, appointed by Commissioner Dallari.
Beverly Evans appointed by Commissioner Zembower.
At large: Jeanette Schreiber, treasurer of Friends of the Wekiva River, and Phyllis Hall, president of Seminole Audubon Society.
Terms will be two years, but they were randomly assigned at 1 or 2 years to balance out the committee. Phyllis has a 2-year term. The committee will meet in January for orientation which will include a review of the ordinance, legal issues such as Sunshine Laws, determine the meeting schedule and place, etc. A website with application process, committee names, etc. will be launched soon. Funding already exists and inquiries have already been submitted. The committee will adopt acquisition criteria based on the ordinance, develop an evaluation report, announce and launch the program and acquisition process, review applications, and develop a 5-year plan.
ARC. Left to right: Tim Jackson, Jay Exum, Phyllis Hall, Jeanette Schreiber, Gabbie Milch, David Bear. Missing: Beverly Evans